Total Defence Day / N.E.mation Finals Results

Last week I attend the N.E.Mation finals results with the invites of 24 Seven to witness the Final Results of N.E.mation contest.

It is a animation contest based on the themed Home, We make or Break. From 640 team to the final 10 teams. I was honoured to be there to attend the ceremony. I was there to watch the new "Truly Home" video by 39 artistes lead by kit chan and dick lee !



Schoolmates from different school came to support their friends who are the finalist of the contest ! Cheering can be heard on the second level where we were also located !






Performance by the SAF music and drama team before the arrival of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence !



We stand and clap to welcome our deputy prime minister upon arrival.
After his speech, Kit Chan and Dick Lee go on stage to give a token of appreciation to him !


I think it's a big old retro disc ah ! I dk what is that call :P


Next is the highlights of the programme and the news that everyone have been waiting for !

drum rolls *

The result of who is the champion team that would go to Dreamworks of the USA !


8 finalists and the last two team were left !

drum rolls*
lights on and off* ( like singapore idol finalist ah )


BOOM ! ( okay nothing fly out actually )


The winner emerge and they are from National Junior College !!

They will be flying to USA , Dreamworks animation ! Congrats !

Here is their winning clips !

All the ten finalists clips will be broadcast on tv really soon !



After the ceremony, we were held to some light refreshment, I didnt had anything cos of my stupid throat ! Could not even speak properly to diana , claudia and kris ! feel so rude LOL ! :(

Instead I went to have a look at the material used by the finalist to make the video ! It was damn amazing I swear from having no knowledge of animation, in a short period they made out such amazing clips ! Good Job ! and Once again Congrats to NJC from winning the contest :)

More Info at