we USED to be..

For some reason, this few bunch of friends who I used to be very close didnt make it into my future or present or rather is ME who didnt make it into their future or present.

Some work, Some School, Some had their own new friends.. Some because of dunno why clash of different thinking which we dun used to. Let's not blame whose fault.

I just suddenly think of them. and the past.


Secondary Best Friends. 4 years. never regretted at all ! My best mahjong khakis ! I remembered making a video for them during secondary school ! Still in my youtube account !


CCA: This bunch of people lead me through 75% of my life in Secondary school
Boon lay Badminton Team ! 4 Years 1st in West Zone , Tears and Blood !
And seniors who were with me since Primary School ! <3>


Another Closest bunch of friends 2 of them with me for nearly 7 to 10 years
Used to do stupid stunts and laugh like mad on the streets , I used to think they are crazy but now I miss those moments so much ! hopefully we are meeting this sunday ! <3>


Bloggers ! For some reasons, this two share with/gave me most problem but yet still quite close last time. But well and and things just happen recently that made everyone busy and not able to contact. Had a bit of stuff of chat log with these 2 ! I will never delete them :)


First Sem Poly Friends : My first few friends in RP ! Not forgetting Kimberly too ! and I feel Cheekeong changed the most ! no longer the nerd guy I first knew ! I remembered how we used to bully penny in L4D ! Will never forget the night we had playing Games !

Best Regards,