nth much today remedials in the morning last day of remedials
next week sch reopen sian
wan to chiong study but seriously no mood
i am very sress and FK UP
ROAR !!!!!!!!!
knnb CHAO JEDI !! lols
then noon slack at home bored like hell
night had tuition not a good one..
i realise i had forgotten everything
coordinate geometry all the formulas all return to cher le
kanna reprimanded hais..
nth much not in a very good mood quite sad afterall... =[

Taggs replies
kaixin, lols only siya de i have seen so far is like that other is my primary sch de all siao de lmaos AND U GAL MEH HAAH jk
SIMYEE, yes!! that is the first song i heard from him that songs rocks too !!..no wonder u kana bully la make ppl angry. scream more then... =p
DeadDuck, of cos long la who am i man..
kaixin, who cares u love ur blog or nt rofl..