I wanna share something with you guys in this post ! Wondering what does my post title means?
Get Your Sexy Back? Competition? Nope. It's a Campaign By Asia Pacific Breweries AKA APB to encourage youths to take control in revitalized anti binge drinking ! In Short to be responsible when you consume alcohol ! In it's fourth year this year, they have been focusing on the importance of taking control of alcohol among the youth.
" According to MOH, binge drinking is defined as consumption of five or more alcoholic drinks for males, or four or more alcoholic drinks for the female , in one drinking session. "
This year the Get Your Sexy Back campaign seek to highlight the positive aspect of taking control of how much alcoholic drinks you consume. By capturing photos of youngster who stay fresh and sexy after a night of partying. Here are the photos on their facebook :) - http://www.facebook.com/GYSB.SG?sk=photos
“It is unfortunately not unusual for youth to see their peers lying along the streets after a night out. Alcohol in itself is not a bad thing, however the abuse of it is. "
" The GYSB Facebook page has also introduced an application created for the campaign to actively involve youth in the discussion of positive drinking behavior via the digital space. Titled ‘I’m Staying Sexy’, the application allows youth to share stories of binge drinking situations among their peers. Users can vote for the stories that best resonate with them, and also submit their own personal stories. With all entries ending with 'Take control, GYSB!” each story emphasizes on the need for youth to take charge of their personal drinking habits and be in control of their experience. "
Remember to Stay Fresh and Sexy after Partying Yo My friends who love to club and drink out there ! Spread the love ! :)
For more info of GYSB , Visit their Facebook at www.facebook.com/GYSB.sg