Thanks to Omy I was given the chance to watch this local production movie by a 3month year old film production call Clover films !
Below is the trailer for Love Cuts, Do watch it to have a simple understanding of what the story is about kay hah ! :)
The feeling I got from this story was that, they were trying to portray the importance of the support from family and friends when a mother got breast cancer.. the role of the son in the movie gave me most impression because Im a son my mum too ! and I know guys is not as obedient as a daughter and we are mischievous most of the time when we are young and never once thought of our mother's feeling.
However, Upon knowing that Zoe Tay ( Known as Sissy in the movie ) was diagnosed with cancer, he starts to grow more mature and help out in any way to let her mum rest more. I like the story of him using a LOMO to capture the interaction between her family members during the period when Zoe tay was doing chemo.
Sorry for the cui hair :( haha ! :P
And after the whole movie we had a session of interaction with the 2 scriptwriter..
I was surprised there were quite a few cancer patient who were there to watch too and they were touched by the movie because some felt homely as Cantonese were used in the movie which we do not often see in Singapore.
When the session end we had a photo with the 2 scriptwriters as well !
Lastly, I would like to say a great job to this local production which I feel was a very useful and meaningful movie for the locals in Singapore. I recommend even males to watch this movie though it's more targeted to the females ! The model Inside also quite hot kay HAHA ! :P
Photos Credits : Joyce ( @forest330)