As, the Youth Olympic Games Singapore 2010 has come to an end. There is a lot of feelings from me somehow because Im one of the volunteer and this 12 days is a very good experience to me. From the pre events of YOG to the process of me working with my teammates together with other 150 Young Photographers. Im glad I know many of them through this one and only experience. Im glad at my age im able to meet so many people that other people of my age doesn't get to.
And soooo Im gonna share my 10 Top Memories With you Guys about YOG !!!
Not In Order for this 10 memories yea ! :)
1. Samsung Human Torch.
If you guys remember my Samsung Human Torch post , I mentioned this is the day when we made a human torch at the time of 20.10 which symbolise the YOG 2010 in Singapore ! Thanks to Samsung I was invited to such a once in a lifetime events ! I had lots of fun that night and had a photo with our 3rd Singapore Idol as well
2.Next is the City Celebrations With Beast and 4Min !
I was at the City Celebrations With Beast and 4 min With Fellow Bloggers and We had a great night man ! Everyone one was damn high !! it was breath taking and their K pop song just made everyone Sing and Dance with them. I must say even the security cant do anything with us man !
Each of the band sang 4 song and total of 8 Song brought up the atmosphere at Marina ! It was like a Mini Concert for everyone !
3.Next is the YOG Opening Ceremony !!!
With so many people from all over the world coming to Singapore, the Opening Ceremony is the BEST chance to show the world, what we a small country can do !
Yog Showcase Many Segments of Fireworks which is good for photographer to take haha ! I love it !! <3>
4.Next is the Torching Session by Lee Kuan Yew ! First time seeing him in person !
This is the 2nd last torch session I believe after that was the one at Marina already :) During the opening !
5. Like I say, the Last torching session is at the one exactly on the day of opening ceremony , this is definitely one of the best moment during Yog ! to see the torch lighting in Singapore and burning for 12 days !
6. The Young photographers !
Our work totally related to our passion, Im surprised many came to give back to community !
150 of us. one motive ! To capture 3,600 Athletes Photos to have them one the legacy wall on Youth Olympic park. It might be abit over but I would describe us as the warriors with our weapons on the move everyday wherever the athletes are !! From location all over Singapore be in land or water we will be there ! These are the people who made up more than 50% of my YOG journey ! I will have one dedication post on my next few post but here I want to thank most of you guys ! Thank You So much.
7. The Click Five !
First time I am seeing them sing in live ! Not a great fan of them before that, Everyone Knows Jenny tis song right ! after their performance Im listening to more songs from them !
Some of the songs which are nice are good day and Catch you wave ! love it ttm ! :)
8. Electrico ! Vox !
Okay , the best experience from shooting electrico because their face expression is the best ! they always have emotions in their face ! haha
And Vox ! they play very nice music with my violin !! I love violin pop and rock !
The girls very pretty right !!
9. Pin Trading
Look at those pins I bought ! It cost a bomb okay and one of my friend spent 400 bucks on that ! to get the sports set :S omg ! and through the pin traders I know in the village there are some pins which worth alot !! omg and there is this angmoh guy who own 40k pins ! OMG ! he has been collecting since 1984 can you believe it?
10. Last but not the least, the closing Ceremony !
well it's a short one, I witness the flame being extinguished, and well I feel very sad for a moment that all this is going to be history !
The athletes had some dance time after the ceremony after that was the finale of fireworks. I will do a full post on closing soon. not here :P
Well that ends my top 10 memories for YOG ! It's not about winning but i dun agree about losing too ! but well I had my experience as a photographer ! I will remember each and single memories from this yog ! Stay tune to my blog for more blog post ! Im Free now ! ^^